how tall are you教案

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how tall are you教案


how tall are you教案

Unit1 How tall are you?

Part A Let’s read



1. 能够听懂、会说Let’s read部分的对话并完成填充句子的练习。

2. 能够听懂、会朗读句子:“I think the little monkey is only 40 cm tall. The monkey is shorter but you are funnier.”

3. 能够了解双元音及辅音的音与形,读出相关例词。

4. 能掌握对人及事物的身高、长度等的判断能力。





1. 培养学生关心爱护身边的小动物的优良道德品质。

2. 在学习中通过游戏及各种竞赛活动培养学生合作意识。




是学生能看懂、会朗读句子:“I think the little monkey is only 40 cm tall. The yellow monkey is taller but the little monkey is funnier.”。




1. 情绪热身

(1) 师生一起看课本第二页歌谣,跟录音有节奏地吟唱。

(2) Free talk


T: How tall are you? S: I’m ……

T: I’m 160 cm tall. I’m 2 cm shorter than you.

S: Yes, I’m 2 cm taller than you.



1. 教学句型I think the little monkey is only 40 cm tall.

(1) ① 呈现句型:I think …

教师指一名学生问全体学生:“How tall is he?”然后边做思考的动作边说:“I think he is about … cm tall. What do you think of him? Guess! How tall is he?” 引导几名基础较好的学生回答:“I think he is about … cm tall.”

② 练习句型:I think … 先做示范:I think he is 160 cm tall. I think she is taller than me. 等。

(2) 教学only


Now in our class only I am a teacher. All of you are students. Only读得重些。

教师叫起几生,只一名男生或只一名女生,教师介绍:Among them only A is a boy.

板书并认读only, 学生猜测其含义。


T: Look! I have a little monkey.

Guess, how tall is it? I think the little monkey is only 30 cm tall. What about you?

几生猜测后,教师板书:I think the little monkey is only 30 cm tall.

T: How long is its tail? 板书并认读单词tail.

S1: I think its tail is about 20 cm long.

3. (1) 教学funny – funnier

T: Who can act like a monkey?


T: Are they very funny?

Ss: Yes.

T: I think A is funnier. What about you?

S1: I think B is funnier.

板书并认读funny - funnier, 彩笔标出y及ier,让学生引起注意。

出示图片:Look , the little monkey is funnier .

(三)听读Let’s read.

1.听录音或观看VCD,回答问题。 教师引出课文:“Ben is watching monkeys at a zoo with his father now. Listen (or watch VCD) and answer the questions.”

(1) What are Ben and his father talking about?

(2) Which monkey is taller?

(3) Which monkey is stronger?

2. 读,划知识点

 (1) which 哪一个 (2) its tail 它的尾巴 把its与it’s对学生加以区别 (3) I think 我认为,我想 (4) funnier 比较滑稽

3. 读课文,完成句子

(Read “Let’s read” and finish the sentences.)

4. 再读课文,解答疑惑。


同位练读Let’s read. 回答问题:

Read and translate the sentences into Chinese.(读一读,把下列句子翻译成汉语。)

1. Which monkey do you like?


2. The brown monkey is stronger.


3. I think the yellow monkey is 150 cm tall.


4. She’s 2 years older than me.


5. The yellow monkey is taller but the little monkey is funnier.





1. Listen and read “A Let’s read”. (听、读Let’s read。)


Unit1 How tall are you ?

I think ……

Its tail is about 30 cm long .

funny _____ funnier

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