
时间:2023-04-28 09:09:47 作文 我要投稿




英文作文 篇1

  Seated posture, but also to care for others, foot in my seat, especially on both sides of the greeting of the ladies, should avoid to speak, can not arbitrary straight你好, quiet and calm,朋友. The mouth of food. On the table can be selfish, elbows should not rely on table edge, or hand on the back of a chair next to him, can not be impatient. Table must be gentle.

英文作文 篇2

  Since childhood, the teacher has taught us that the sea has nurtured our life, and every earth man should contribute his strength to the protection of the marine environment.

  As we all know, the ocean is very important to all of us. It occupies 71% of the earth's surface area, far from the space, the earth is like a crystal clear blue crystal ball, this is the earth is also known as "water polo" reasons. The destruction of the oceans would therefore affect the entire planet.

  During the holidays I most love to the seaside, the light foot on the beach. Soon the water will diffuse to cover a string of footprints, running tired to see the sea, standing on the high rocks overlooking the distant horizon, the sea blue naughty beat the shore, brave bird the shuttle in the surf, hope this moment forever in my mind!

  But the latest marine pollution news more and more, when I see the news, I was worried about the sea, for human selfishness shame, anger is human blind pursuit of economic growth caused by the consequences of marine pollution. I am increasingly worried that small life in the sea will be hurt, worried that seabirds lost their homes to live, and that one day people will be punished by nature.

  The selfless help us, but we in turn destroy it, this is not the teacher taught us the story of ingratitude? Therefore, we must not forget the contribution of the sea, we should take good care of it, and treat it as a mother, care and care. When we hurt it, we should feel guilty and should make more compensation.

  Primary small power is not small, we can start from little things, such as the usual pocket money saved up to protect marine funds, while on holiday to the seaside to pick up trash, can promote the protection of the ocean to the side of the man's knowledge...... Let us take action and dedicate ourselves to the protection of the seas!

英文作文 篇3

  Today after dinner, the adults were tired, and I volunteered to say, "Mom, I'll do the housework today." Mom is very happy. I put the dishes from the water room, see the rest of the noodles, I said: "Mom, I put the noodles refrigerator?" my mother told me to put cold noodles. And then I began to wash the dishes.

  Mother in the side said: "put some detergent, can go to oil, wash clean, and can also sterilize." I quickly washed the bowl, and then I rubbed the table and collected the table. Finally, I also swept the ground clean.

  I was tired of doing these housework, I was sweating, but I was happy, mom said I grew up.

英文作文 篇4

  I find it wholesome to be alone the greater part of the time.

  Being in company, even with the best, is soon wearisome and dissipating. I love to be alone. I have never found a companion that was as friendly as solitude.

  We are for the most part lonelier when we go abroad among men than when we stay in our homes. A man thinking or working is always alone.

  Solitude is not measured by the miles of space that intervene between a man and his fellow men. I have found that no exertion of the legs can bring two minds much nearer to one another.

英文作文 篇5


  Creative Writing: imagine a scenario

  What is the object which has to be borrowed? Who is borrowing from whom? What is going on?

  This week's topic: The borrower looked on keenly... (90-110 words)


  Sean saw his housemate lying on the bed, looking at him. "Good morning. Are you feeling better today?" asked Sean, "I made you breakfast." "Thanks. Yeah, sleeping helped a lot." "That's good to hear. Well... actually, if you don't mind, could I please borrow your camera today?" The housemate laughed as he sat up on the bed, being careful not to put pressure on his arm, "Sure, it's not like I am going to work today. The camera is over there. Just take out the memory card and put it on the desk." "Of course, I have my own memory card. Thank you so much!" Sean replied.

英文作文 篇6

  Chapter 1: The furthest distance in English

  The furthest distance in the world is not the ends of the earth, but you are in front of me, but I can't feel your temperature.

  Like a meteor across the sky, with a long tail, while hiding in the dark shadows, will still cut long tears; like the eagle flying in space, leaving the valley whistle, although looking at the world, but most are flying alone. Many stories in the tears and loneliness, memories are quietly framed, locked in the rings of memories.

  Youth is like an endless train, carrying one after another unfamiliar faces, year after year, Mercedes Benz in its tracks, the old face. Gradually, we quietly walked into a site called mature, and then put down some people, and took some people, continue its journey. However, the ripples in youth are slowly being calmed and calmed in the vicissitudes of the ocean.

  When we were young, we always used a lovely smiling face to treat everything around us. It was called innocence at that time. Our hearts are pure as a sheet of white paper, and our love is like the sunshine of the morning, so long as happy life and happy growth. So we laugh cry sincerely, sincerely, that life is full of vigour, is Spring is in the air..

  Grow up, lock the youth of the heart of the door also quietly revealed some young breath, green and mild sunshine lick into the heart, that piece of white paper also gradually has the mark of the sun. Every time you look back, every smile, will be deeply branded on that piece of paper. So we tasted the taste of love, also began a journey of love.

  The smooth surface of the snow, and will also have raised the stone; soft water, sometimes there will be little ripples; also in the feelings of the world, even the most solid yacht will withstand the baptism of wind and rain, through the waves in exchange for the ultimate happiness.

  How many times have you appeared in my dreams, your face is still so familiar; how many times in my heart calls your shadow, memories of the tape constantly play our once. Close to you, the world is me, you are my world.

  The stars are bright at night, late at night, quiet, and the sky starting point ripples, that is your shadow. I want to hold you, but you seem to be in the distant horizon. I want to tell you that I'll always be there for you, but what do you think?

  Dreams are distant, but the dream is in our breath, it is so fleeting, like fog, like rain, like clouds, like the wind how can I hold the partly hidden and partly visible, you?

  Chapter 2: The furthest distance in English

  The furthest distance in the world is that when I breathe, I can't find your figure.

  The furthest distance in the world is not life and death, but also not separated by numerous hills and streams with friends become strangers. The gap between the heart and the heart, the most difficult time for the poet to overcome the gap.

  Once when you said to me, we are best friends; once when we cat in bed talking; when I cry lying in your arms, telling heart grievances; once when we swear this lifetime will be friends forever...... I do not remember, everything has become blurred, as if in yesterday, as if in the distant past.

  Remember the day we met, we were all alone, lonely intolerable. A conversation made us start our first contact. Like-minded people, let us become no talk about good friends, then felt like dry desert oasis appeared. Introverted, I began to become lively and cheerful, everywhere I can see busy figure. Friends are more and more, happiness is always around. Heart to heart communication closer to our distance, we often get rid of a lot of friends to hide in the corner, you smiled and said to me, so many good friends, I am your best friend, I like chicken pecking nod: "well, I also like it."

  From now on, we are inseparable, attracted the envy of many. Surprisingly, there are contradictions between us, and more and more. I am learning slightly better than you, you always say envy me, let me help you, but I did not say, I will not do the subject, but sometimes you think I don't want to tell you, if you catch me; ZiXiKe, you let me help you cover up reading novels, I have no to help you, you say I'm not a friend. The more and more paradox is that I feel that there is something wrong with our communication.

  Remember that day in the examination room, you hinted that I passed the answer to you, but I think we should not resort to deceit, did not do so. After the exam, you ignore me, and I explain to you, you do not listen, say, I heartless. You throw a word to me: "I did not expect you to be such a person, but also friends, what kind of friends you want to use?" Or not good?!" I am confused, I was wrong? Tears are rolling around in my eyes. Is this my friend?

  A few days later, you sent a letter to me. In one sentence, I still remember, "we are no longer friends, we have never known each other."." That's over? That's how it all ends? This once so enviable friendship ended like this? I asked myself again and again, "is it me or you that buried this friendship?"

  Until today, we meet or turn a blind eye, but you know, every time I pass by the heart will have the slightest pain. Once close, now like passers-by. Although close at hand, but can not communicate, when can we go beyond the distance, and then back to the past? I'm looking forward to it......










