
时间:2023-02-08 13:04:06 元宵节 我要投稿


  1、日圆月圆天圆地也圆,人圆梦圆事业更圆,梦圆情圆家圆爱情圆,财圆志圆达也圆。祝您元宵节团团圆圆,幸福美满!The sky and the earth round full moon,people read a dream career more round,the dream feeling round round round,love wealth round tzu round and round。 I wish you the Lantern Festival reunion of happiness!


  2、正月十五月儿圆,月儿代表我的心!让明月捎去我对你的祝福:元宵节快乐! The fifteenth day of the moon is round the moon represents my heart! Let the moon take my blessing to you: happy Lantern Festival!

  3、元宵节到了,送你一碗幸福的元宵。 The Lantern Festival is coming. I'll give you a bowl of happy Lantern Festival.

  4、The moon lacks a full moon, and the world gathers and disperses due to karma. The wishing dumplings will always be so sweet, and the caring heart will always linger for you. The true love letter of greeting says happy reunion, and the blessing of Lantern Festival brings good luck and happiness.

  5、月亮照出了吉祥,月光撕破了苍茫,红梅开出了芬芳,淡香衬托了吉祥,花灯点亮了心境,灯谜启发了心灵,汤圆甜蜜了心情,祝福温暖了人情。元宵快乐,吉祥如意!The light of the moon auspicious, moonlight torn cangmang, red berries on the fragrance, light incense foil the auspicious, lanterns lit up the mood, lantern riddle inspired soul, tangyuan sweet mood, blessing warmed。 Yuanxiao is happy, good luck!

  6、The moon, the Lantern, Yang Chen to your laughter, the fifteenth day of your songs reverberated stressed that the Rabbit Spring filling your lively, long time my heart Lianzhao your wonderful、

  7、祝你元宵甜蜜蜜,团圆美满幸福溢!I wish you sweet Lantern Festival, happy reunion and happiness!

  8、The good fortune of Lantern Festival will be thrown all the way, and the future will be better, and tomorrow will be beautiful. Happy Lantern Festival.

  9、On the fifteenth Lantern Festival of the first month, auspicious songs are sung without stopping.

  10、元宵佳节给你啥?发送邮件文件夹的祝福。愿意持有你的平安,促健康,揣快乐,带来幸福,一个温暖的拥抱,甜蜜,链发财,拉鸡年吉祥,祥和的新年。 spring lantern festival will give you han? sent messages folder blessing. is willing to hold your peace, pro-health, surmise happiness, bring happiness, a warm hug, with sweet, a chain fortune, pulled auspicious, auspicious year of the rat.

  11、May this Lantern Festival bring you a happy mood and good health!

  12、十五元宵节,举杯邀明月倾心祝福您,吉祥又安泰! the Lantern Festival a drink moon Fall in love wish you good fortune antai again!

  13、Thinking of you and wish you a Happy Lantern Festival、

  14、爱情汤圆一入口,心如细丝甜如蜜。 Love dumplings a mouth, the heart is like a thread, sweet as honey.

  15、正月十五月儿圆啊,祝福的话倍儿甜啊,愿你漂亮一年胜一年呀,好运好事常连连啊,元宵节快乐!The fifteenth day of the moon is round, blessings are sexy sweet ah, I wish you a beautiful year - a year ah, good luck often repeatedly, happy Lantern Festival!

  16、Good luck to your lucky star, and everything goes well.

  17、如果美国也是种遗憾的是,没有人关心!也许只有祝福的一种形式,但它带来一个温暖的心脏给,所以我们认为分给对方,如移动,就像祝福兴趣:元宵节快乐! if america is also the kinds of regret that no one cared about! may be only a form of blessing, but it brings a warm heart to give, so we regard the interest distributed to each other, like moving, like blessing: happy lantern festival!

  18、灯火良宵,鱼龙百戏;琉璃盛世,锦绣三春。祝你过一个欢欢喜喜的元宵节!Beautiful night lights, fish dragon acrobatics; Coloured glaze prosperous, splendid miharu. Wish you have a Lantern Festival joyfully!

  19、虎年元霄特别圆,小小汤圆到跟前。快乐活面更筋斗,开心为馅味道甜。放到健康水里煮熟,幸福小碗一碗端。为何汤圆味更鲜?我的思念在里面!元霄快乐!The year of the tiger lantern special round, small dumplings to the front。 A happy face live more somersault, happy to taste sweet。 On the health of water boiled, small bowl of a bowl of happiness。 Why more fresh dumplings taste?My thoughts in it!Happy lantern!

  20、这一刻,有我最深的思念。让云捎去满心的祝福,点缀你甜蜜的梦,愿你拥有一个幸福快乐的元宵节!At this moment, have my deepest thoughts. Let cloud wisher to bless with full intention, embellish your sweet dream, wish you have a happy happy Lantern Festival!

  21、幸福汤圆一入口,健康快乐常陪伴。 Happy dumplings are always accompanied by health and happiness.

  22、愿此元宵佳节,您心情愉悦,身体健康,家庭和美,亲友源远,事业成功,心想事成,好梦连连。 May the Lantern Festival you happy healthy body and the family friends and family source far career success success good dream

  23、When the Lantern Festival arrives, the Lantern Festival is noisy, and the lantern guessing life is pretty. My thoughts are jumping joyfully at the moment. I wish to report for duty immediately. Good luck comes to take care of me. Happiness is always accompanied by a smile. Joy brings joy and pride. Happy Lantern Festival.









