
时间:2024-01-04 19:25:39 志杰 元旦 我要投稿
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  中国的元旦,据传说起于三皇五帝之一的颛顼,距今已有3000多年的历史。“元旦”一词最早出现于《晋书》:“颛帝以孟夏正月为元,其实正朔元旦之春”的诗中。南北朝时,南朝萧子云的《介雅》诗中也有“四季新元旦,万寿初春朝”的记载。 以下是小编带来英语元旦节手抄报的相关内容,希望对你有帮助。


  1. New Year’s Eve

  新年是个值得庆祝的日子,在英国和美国,新年夜是聚会的时刻。午夜降临时人们一起歌唱《友谊地久天长》(Auld Lang Syne),互相祝愿“新年快乐”。在大城市,许多人在新年前夜聚集在公共场所,举行庆祝活动,比如伦敦的特拉法尔加广场(Trafalgar Square)或纽约的时报广场(Times Square)。

  特拉法尔加广场(Trafalgar Square)

  英国伦敦市中心的大型广场,建于1830年至1841年,为纪念纳尔逊勋爵(Lord Nelson)在特拉法尔加战役(the Battle of Trafalgar)中的胜利而命名。该广场是伦敦最知名的旅游景点之一,每年有大批的人聚集在这里欢庆新年。

  2. New Year’s Day

  新年的第一天,也就是元旦。在英国,这天是公共假日(bank holiday,又称“银行假日”)。

  3. 一组与“辞旧迎新”有关的表达

  to ring in the New Year,指在12月31日午夜“鸣钟欢庆新年”;

  与之相对的 to ring out the Old Year,指“鸣钟辞别旧岁”。

  时报广场(Times Square)

  又译“时代广场”,位于纽约市曼哈顿中心,灯火通明,热闹非凡,以众多剧院和电影院而著称。除夕之夜,成千上万人聚集在这里迎接新年。时报广场因时报大楼而得名,它曾是《纽约时报》(The New York Times)的办公场所。

  4. New Year’s resolution 新年决心



  Have you made any New Year’s resolution?


  5. Hogmanay (苏格兰12月31日的)除夕以及除夕欢庆活动

  Hogmanay 在苏格兰是一项很重要的庆祝活动,人们对它的重视程度甚至超过圣诞节。活动内容包括在午夜时分歌唱《友谊地久天长》,出门拜访友人,为新年带来好运。

  6. Auld Lang Syne 《友谊地久天长》

  《友谊地久天长》是一首苏格兰古老民歌,歌唱友谊和对美好时光的回忆。歌名 Auld Lang Syne 的意思是“已过去很久”(old long since)。按照英国传统,在新年夜人们会手拉着手唱起这首歌。如今人们熟悉的版本由苏格兰诗人罗伯特·彭斯(Robert Burns)写就。但其实在那之前,这首民谣已在民间传唱多年。歌的开头许多人都会唱:

  Should auld acquaintance be forgot,

  And never brought to min’ (mind)?

  Should auld acquaintance be forgot,

  And auld lang syne?






  1. With best wishes for a happy New Year.


  2. I hope you have a most happy and prosperous New Year.


  3. With the compliments of the season.


  4. May the seasons joy fill you all the year round.


  5. Seasons greetings and best wishes for the New Year.


  6. Please accept my seasons greetings.


  7. To wish you joy at this holy season. Wishing every happiness will always be with you.


  8. Good health, good luck and much happiness throughout the year.



  Chinese New Years day always refers to the first day of the first month of the lunar calendar. The calculation method of the first day of the first lunar month was also very inconsistent before the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Therefore, the month and day of new years day in previous dynasties are not consistent. The summer calendar of the Xia Dynasty takes Meng Xiyue (January) as the first month, the Yin calendar of the Shang Dynasty takes the twelfth month (December) as the first month, and the Zhou calendar of the Zhou Dynasty takes the winter month (November) as the first month. After Qin Shihuang unified China, he took the Spring Moon (October) as the first month, that is, the first day of October as new years day.

  From Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Meng Xiyue (January) was defined as the first month, and the first day of Meng Xiyue (the first day of the first month of the lunar calendar) was called New Years day, which was used until the end of the Qing Dynasty.

  In 1911, the revolution of 1911 led by Sun Yat Sen overthrew the rule of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties and established the Republic of China. Representatives of provincial governors met in Nanjing and decided to use the Gregorian calendar, calling January 1 of the lunar calendar "Spring Festival" and January 1 of the Gregorian calendar "New Years Day", but it was not officially announced at that time.

  In order to "travel in summer, so follow the lunar season and start from the Western calendar, so statistics can be made", in the first year of the Republic of China, it was decided to use the Gregorian calendar (actually used in 1912), and it was stipulated that January 1 of the Gregorian calendar was "new year", but it was not called "New Years Day".

  On September 27, 1949, when the first Chinese peoples Political Consultative Conference decided to establish the peoples Republic of China, it also decided to adopt the world-wide ad chronology, which is what we call the Gregorian calendar. New years Day refers to the first day of the year in the Western era.

  In order to distinguish the two new years of the lunar calendar and the Gregorian calendar, and in view of the fact that the "beginning of spring" in the 24 solar terms of the lunar calendar is just before and after the lunar new year, January 1 of the lunar calendar is renamed the "Spring Festival", and January 1 of the Gregorian calendar is designated as the beginning of the new year - "New Years Day", which is included in the legal holiday and has become a festival of the people all over the country.









